estomparea ridurilor de expresie/wrinkels - concealed!
Am aflat recent despre un truc pentru ascunde ridurile fine de expresie din jurul gurii si celor de pe frunte. Mi s-a parut interesant, pentru ca nu stiam de trucul asta si am ales sa il impart cu voi, cu toate ca poate unele dintre voi il stiti deja. Tot arsenalul care ne este necesar este un creion alb mat si corector/fond de ten/pudra. Ceea ce trebuie facut este:
FAZA 1: o mica "operatie" pe lungul ridului problema, adica sa trasezi cu creionul in interiorul ridului pentru a-l umple.
FAZA 2: cosmetizarea "operatiei", adica "blenduirea" creionului alb, usor pentru a-l estompa.
FAZA 3: acoperirea urmelor vizibile de creion cu corector/fond de ten/ pudra.(la alegere)
* am incercat trucul pe ridurile fine pe care le am pe frunte(pentru ca am odioasa tendinta de a "vorbi" cu sprancenele) si mi se pare ca functioneaza destul de ok...acuma nah poate depinde de fiecare, dar all in all mi se pare ok :)
** poza preluata de pe Link prin intermediul Google Search.
As this is a very good trick i will post this both in romanian and in english for anyone who may come across it and doesn't understand a word i'm writing. It talks about concealing and hiding through make up the fine lines and wrinkles starting to appear on our faces.All you need to do so are the following: a white matte eye/highlight pencil, concealer/foundation/powder. What you need to do is:
PHASE 1: a tiny "operation" throughout the wrinkle, by lining the inside of the wrinkle with a white matte highlighter pencil.
PHASE 2: arranging the "operation", by blending the lines you just drew.
PHASE 3: covering and concealing the visible marks of your "cosmetic surgery" using concealer/foundation/powder (whichever suits you best).
*i have tried this trick on the thin lines on my forehead (created by my tendency to "talk" with my eyebrows) and i think it works ok, it may vary from person to person though
**picture taken from Link through Google Search.
FAZA 1: o mica "operatie" pe lungul ridului problema, adica sa trasezi cu creionul in interiorul ridului pentru a-l umple.
FAZA 2: cosmetizarea "operatiei", adica "blenduirea" creionului alb, usor pentru a-l estompa.
FAZA 3: acoperirea urmelor vizibile de creion cu corector/fond de ten/ pudra.(la alegere)
* am incercat trucul pe ridurile fine pe care le am pe frunte(pentru ca am odioasa tendinta de a "vorbi" cu sprancenele) si mi se pare ca functioneaza destul de ok...acuma nah poate depinde de fiecare, dar all in all mi se pare ok :)
** poza preluata de pe Link prin intermediul Google Search.
As this is a very good trick i will post this both in romanian and in english for anyone who may come across it and doesn't understand a word i'm writing. It talks about concealing and hiding through make up the fine lines and wrinkles starting to appear on our faces.All you need to do so are the following: a white matte eye/highlight pencil, concealer/foundation/powder. What you need to do is:
PHASE 1: a tiny "operation" throughout the wrinkle, by lining the inside of the wrinkle with a white matte highlighter pencil.
PHASE 2: arranging the "operation", by blending the lines you just drew.
PHASE 3: covering and concealing the visible marks of your "cosmetic surgery" using concealer/foundation/powder (whichever suits you best).
*i have tried this trick on the thin lines on my forehead (created by my tendency to "talk" with my eyebrows) and i think it works ok, it may vary from person to person though
**picture taken from Link through Google Search.
buna idee. am sa incerc si eu :)